Council of Great Ones: Self-Guided Therapy for Big Questions

Each of us carries an untapped well of wisdom, truths that often get buried beneath layers of judgments, complexities, and unnecessary anxieties. As a psychotherapist, I often guide individuals through a unique technique - engaging the 'Council of Great Ones to answer the big questions of life.


The Council of Great Ones is a tool for introspection, a method to tap into your subconscious and unveil the answers that lie within you. It's an exercise in guided imagery, a creative and powerful approach that can be transformative.


Here's how you can create your personal Council of Great Ones:


1. Develop a Yes or No Question: Start with a question - one that has been nagging you, that you’ve been pondering over. It should be something that requires guidance, an answer that you've been seeking. Make sure the question can be answered with a yes or a no.


2. Visualization: Close your eyes and imagine transporting yourself to a mystical misty jungle or atop a mountain peak. You're sitting on a smooth obsidian stone meditation seat, and in front of you are four vacant, beautiful opalescent pearl seats.


3. Conjure Your Council: Think of the four wisest people you know - they could be alive or deceased, famous personalities, or your close friends. These should be individuals who, according to you, are best suited to answer your question. As you utter their names, imagine them materializing and taking their places on the pearl seats.


4. Consult Your Council: Once your council is in place, direct your question toward them. Observe their faces keenly, looking for signs of reactions or responses. Pay attention to every minuscule detail - the flicker in their eyes, the curve of their lips, the tilt of their heads. Go through this process for each council member.


This council, despite being a creation of your imagination, draws from your innate wisdom. The responses you observe are, in fact, your subconscious responses - the buried truth unveiling itself.


Remember, the key to this exercise is trust - trust in your council, trust in the process, and most importantly, trust in yourself. It's about setting aside self-doubt and embracing the truth that emerges.


Keep in mind that this is not a replacement for therapy but a supplement to it, a way to independently explore your inner psyche in between therapy sessions. However, for those struggling with deep-seated issues, I highly recommend seeking professional help.


With this tool in hand, you are now ready to navigate the intricate labyrinth of your subconscious. May your Council of Great Ones guide you to the clarity and answers you seek. Let this journey be one of enlightenment and personal growth.



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